3000 series aluminum sheet provided by Haomei includes 3003, 3103, 3004, 3105 and 3005 series. The 3003 and 3A21 series are the representative series.
Alloy:3003, 3004, 3005, 3105
Temper: H14, H16, H18, H22, H24, H26, O
This series aluminum sheet is anticorrosive and its production technology is good.
The main ingredient in it is manganese element and the content is between 1.0% and 1.5%.
As a result of its good property in anti-corrosion, this series aluminum sheet is commonly used in moist environments like air conditioners, refrigerators, at the bottom of cars, etc.
3003 Aluminum sheet It is not heat treatable and develops strengthening from cold working only. Commonly used in chemical equipment, ductwork, and in general sheet metal work. Aluminium 3003 is also used in the manufacture of cooking utensils, pressure vessels, builder‘s hardware, eyelet stock, ice cube trays, garage doors, awning slats, refrigerator panels, gas lines, gasoline tanks, heat exchangers, drawn and spun parts, and storage tanks.
3004 aluminum sheet is commonly used to produce the body of cans, the light components. It can also be used for the processing and storage equipments of chemical products, sheet processing, some construction tools, etc.
Mg, Mn and Si are added to 3105 aluminum sheet, thus, it has excellent correction resistance, formability and welding characteristics. Besides, it has average mechinability and it can be increased in harder tempers than in annealed condition. The forming characteristics of 3105 aluminum sheet are pretty good by all conventional processes regardless of temper. Typically used for building product applications, it can also be used for other industrial applications.
3000 series aluminum sheet is approx 20% stronger than the 1000 series, has great workability and may be deep drawn, spun, welded or brazed. The 3000series aluminum sheet is widely used for general purposes. The Alloy are including the AA3003, AA3004, AA3005, AA3102, AA3105, Temper O, H14, H18, H24, H26, H111, H112, F, From thickness 0.2mm-350mm, width 500mm-2300mm, length 500mm-110000mm. With Plain, five bar, stucco, diamond, or mirror surface process, Or coated with PE, PVDF, BRUSH etc. There is (CC) cold rolling and (DC) hot rolling Line.
3003 Aluminum Sheet Approx. 20% higher strength than the 1000 series, but retaining an excellent workability rating. May show some slight discoloration when anodized, but reacts well to mechanical and organic finishings. 3003 is easily welded and brazed, but solder is limited to the torch method. Like 1100, tends to be “gummy” when machined. Non-heat treatable.Typical applications include food and chemical equipment, appliance components, truck and trailer roofing, heat exchangers, and lawn furniture components.
Related Application
Aluminum Sheet For Autobody
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Aluminum Sheet Coils For Trailers And Tankers
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